Thursday, April 19, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday 4/22/12

I am posting my Scavenger Hunt Sunday post a little early this week.  I have all my pictures so I figured why not!  I am cheating slightly again this week.  Last week I included lots of photos instead of just one for each item choosen to photograph.  This week I combined all five things to photograph into one series.  I photographed my steps to make hand painted yarn.  The yarn I started with was 100% alpaca undyed yarn. I had to add a few extra photos to explain all my steps. 

1. Yellow
Yellow Forsythia bush.

 2. Something That Makes You Smile

Watching my boys collect the yellow flowers from the forsythia bush and dandelions to make my natural dye.  I love how Tiny found the perfect stirring stick.

3. Ancient or Antique 
This is the stove in the showroom at the farm.  We use it to keep the place warm in the winter.  Also we do use it to cook the occasional grilled cheese, pot roast, corn bread and during our knitting club gatherings it works great keeping our pizza warm.

Below is the unedited version of the above picture.  I would love to tell you how I edited it, but I am not sure what I did.  Just a lot of fun in Photoshop.  I am not sure I could even recreate this again.  But I can tell you I used Kim Klassen's texture "Oh My".  Thanks Kim this is such a beautiful texture.

We use wood from around the farm to fire it up.  I heated up the water in this tea pot and then added the hot water to my pot with flowers.

4. Splash
I removed the flowers from the water and transferred the water into a clean pot (I should use a stainless steel pot, but I don't have a spare one to use for dying).

5. In the Sun

My finished natural dyed alpaca yarn soaking up some sun in my backyard.  The yarn on the far left is undyed.  Then from left to right-
Yellow- the finish yarn from the photos above- forsythia & dandelions
Pink- azaleas, rhododendrons, Japanese maple leaves, tulips (click here if you want to see how I made the pink)
Purple- blueberries


Melissa said...

Oh wow. How absolutely fabulous & right up my alley!!

Melissa said...
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Lori ann said...

oh andee, i wish i could be there with you and learn from you. i love LOVE the colors and your yarn. thank you for sharing these beautiful photos!

Miranda said...

I am so beyond impressed that you dye your own yarn. Amazing! Love that shot you took of the old stove.

Valeria said...

What a creative set. Love antique and reminds me my childhood summers spent atbthe farm, where not even eletricity were available. Great times...

Tamar SB said...

That stove is amazing!! We had an antique stove but it was a conversation piece not a useable piece! Love how you die your own yarn!

Andrea Dawn said...

This is by far the most interesting post I have seen for SHS in a long time. Great set . . . love the antique shot and the yarns drying in the sun.

Nicki said...

Your natural dye process is intriguing and impressive. My grandmother had, and used daily, a stove very similar to that. I remember as a very young girl being so excited when I managed to make a batch of brownies from that contraption (we had modern, electrical appliances - she preferred her old fashion tools).

Karen said...

Thanks for posting extra shots! This was so interesting. That oven is amazing!

Splendid Little Stars said...

ooo...that yarn is so cool! and so is the stove!
a wonderful set of photos!

Bella Bean said...

Such awesome shots! Linking up from Scavenger Hunt :)

Wendy said...

Awesome shots...I love how your kiddos help you with the process! And I learned something to dye yarn!

Ashley Sisk said...

Great set - love the perspective on your third shot.