Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Yarn Along~ Shetland Triangle & a Top

I finished up my Shetland Triangle. I knitted it with a the KAL "Girls in Sheep Clothing.... and a few guys too."  This is such a simple pattern with great results.  The same patterns repeat over and over so it is very easy to keep the pattern in your head.  Also you get a row of purling on the wrong side. You have to love to have a break from knitting lace on the wrong side!

The colors of the shawl in the pictures of me wearing it are truer.  You can make this shawl as large as you want. The pattern is flexible and lets you knit as many repeats as you want. I made 17 repeats of the chart so my shawl would be able to wrap around me and by extra comfy.

 I am really happy with the Cascade Heritage yarn I used for this shawl. It knitted up very nice and was so soft.
I am also still working on my Plliver top. This top pattern is much more intense from the Shetland Triangle.  It is a beaded lace stitch and is a lot of knitting and doesn't look like much progress.

I am just starting to notice funky colors happening in the front of it. They aren't shown here. I knitted more after I took these pictures and there are chunks of color. Ugg. I should have be alternating my yarn, but I'm going to stick with it and maybe it will have a zebra effect in the end.  We'll see.
Either way I am going to keep chugging away at it. I ended up knitting a small hat yesterday because I needed an instant gratification knit. I think I need to add a few more small projects to my plate.


karen said...

So beautiful such a lovely color on you :)

Nat at Made in Home said...

Love the shawl and the jumper is going to look great - I love the stitch!!

Shirley Ann said...

What a beautiful shawl. I love the size - often mine have felt far to small! I love the stitch you are using for the jumper - very pretty.

Joy said...

Oh how lovely!

steph said...

Perfect sized shawl!!! And the color! Beautiful!

Lisa said...

Such a gorgeous shot of you in your shawl (the last photo). You have a lovely smile. :) Congrats on finishing!

momto5 said...

wow. that shawl is beautiful, it looks really complicated. and the top you are working on, i love it. can' wait to see it all completed.

Karin-Ida said...

Gourgeous knitting!
Love the colour too!!
And the pattern, very well done!

TexWisGirl said...

it is really pretty.

Paula said...

Beautiful shawl and model. But looks hard to the novice here. ;) I love the ease and confidence that accomplished knitters have ~ it gives me hope!

Lori ann said...

your shawl turned out beautifully andee! i think i will have to make one too :)

Sarah said...

Your shawl is gorgeous - the pattern and the color - and the yarn looks like it drapes so nicely. Your top looks SO intimidating to me and I can see why you would need an instant gratification project!! So beautiful though.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful shawl!!

Janet said...

Your shawl is gorgeous and I love the yarn color.

Debbie said...

andee, i have no idea what you are talking about but everything looks so pretty to me!!

i am distracted by your hair, it looks great and the highlights are beautiful!!

DeniseinVA said...

Very, very pretty! Love the shawl, it looks so elegant.

An English Girl Rambles

Karen Sue said...

I love the shawl and the color of it...just wonderful. And I can't wait to see the sweater. I am at a stall to start one, but I'm trying to get up the gumption to go!! Your sweater stitch is beautiful! I'm cheering you on!