Monday, April 15, 2013

No Lights

I have a word of advice to all bloggers out there. Never tell your boss you have a blog! Because you will feel guilty about making a post when you have a HUGE pile of work that needs to get done.  They will know you are taking a break and you won't enjoy posting as much.
Another piece of advice to new bloggers.  Never tell your husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend or what have you that you have a blog.  Because they will be disappointed that you made a new blog post, but have not done the dishes, laundry or cooked a homemade meal.  Again not making your post as much fun as it should be.
Actually my boss is a big fan of my blog and he will let me know if I haven't made a post after  few days and question why, just after sending me a week worth of paperwork.
Freddy just groans at having to have peanut butter and jelly for dinner.
But I swear it isn't my blog that slows me down it is just a full life! The dishes will get done and laundry will get done, at some point, but sharing a pretty sunset sometimes is more important.  Also letting everyone know that I didn't get to see the Northern Lights just had to be done first.  Now back to my grocery list.  So maybe we don't have to have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for dinner. 


TexWisGirl said...

beautiful pinks and blues. sorry about the northern lights, though.

Debbie said...

andee, you have an amazing spirit and you know exactly what's important!!

the hubs is a huge supporter of my blog BUT we are old and have far less to do then you!!

it is fun to have a free schedule to do whatever you want to do!! i was a hard core mom, but now, it's all about me and i like it!!

Brian King said...

That's a gorgeous photo! For a second there I was worried you were going to say you were deleting your blog.

thecrazysheeplady said...

I've been just slammed busy and trying to fit in all sorts of spring stuff that only comes around, um "in the spring". It finally dawned on me as I was complaining about being frustrated about not being able to get stuff done that if you have So Much fun (and even not so much fun) stuff to do that you can't fit it all really don't have a real problem ;-). And I ran out of peanut butter about 12 days ago. Sigh ;-).

Adrienne said...

Great spirit! Take it all in, lap it up, capture it and blog about it - that's what I say...there are always paper plates!