Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Yarn Along

I am still working on my Aidez sweater. I haven't had much time to knit lately, but I'm hoping to finish it up soon. I have the back panel, two front panels, and one sleeve done. Just one more sleeve and I can finish it up.  I am reading "Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar".  I have been taking a tablespoon of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar and a tablespoon of raw honey three times a day plus eating my regular healthy diet. I feel like a million bucks. I am typically the type of person that doesn't take any medications or any fad diets. I hardly ever take pain medication like Tylenol, ect.  But my husband started taking this Organic Apple Cider Vinegar to lower his cholesterol. I took it just to try it out. I feel like a million bucks. My skin has cleared up, my eight million stretch marks are gone and I have lost seven pounds since Sunday.  It is absolutely amazing how I feel. The ACV seems to have regulated my sugar and I haven't felt this good in years.  If you know any side effects please share them with me as I am still sceptical.  I am having my hair cut and sent off to locks of love this weekend. I am hoping to be able to wear my sweater and show off my new hairdo before the end of the month. Woo Hoo.


karen said...

Lovely lovely cardigan! I cannot wait to see it finished and your new hair style :)

Tracey ~ Clover said...

Your knitting is stunning, just stunning!
My husband and I take apple cider vinegar too, but I didn't know about the honey, I will have to find some here. Thank you for the tip.
Happy yarn along day!

Jen said...

Huh. Maybe I should do this. A lot of the things on that list apply to me.

Does the honey make it go down easier?

EMMA said...

Sweater is looking great, and nearly finished! This apple cider thing sounds awesome!

Andee said...

The reason for the Raw honey is that both the Organic Apple Cider Vinegar and the raw honey are high in potassium. The raw honey definately makes it taste much better.

Rosina {Rosy ~ Posy} said...

Your sweater looks fantastic! I have heard many wonderful things about taking apple cider vinegar and how wonderful that you are feeling the benefits from it :)

Lori ann said...

wow andee, that's so great. my mil swears by this too. i've had great luck in dropping those numbers too, but it's just been through a mostly raw foods diet. LOTS of veggies!

your sweater is so SO pretty, i've got it queued too and now feel inspired after my very plain sweater. i sent my hair off 2 years ago too, but it keeps growing back!! can't wait for the finished photo.

Debbie said...

oooohhhh andee, your sweater looks great....just the words "yarn alomg" sound so inviting!!

i loved your theory on where i was, it was the funest. you guys all think i am much cooler then i am....and i'll take it!!