Monday, July 22, 2013

A Farwell Party

The blurriness in the picture above is compliments of a steamy 90+ degree day. That is what happens when you bring your camera out from nice air conditioned house and into a HOT summer day.  You get a blurry picture.  Freddy and I hosted a Farwell Party for his cousins.  They are moving from just a few miles from our house to Dallas, Texas :(
I think the blurry picture represent my teary eyes.  I am going to miss them so much.  I know my boys are going to miss hanging out with their cousins too. We have had the luxury of being able to get together with them anytime we want and now they are going to be so far away :(
We decided to send them away in style and had a big family pool party.  We had a great time.

Between mega flips in the air and jumping off the diving board to catch footballs, what could be more fun???

Oh water guns are fun too!

Cousins hanging out.

Freddy's little cousin Kate made these flip flops! She is the most talented person ever.

It was fun watching the girls hang out and Kate made them all super fancy bracelets out of rubber bands on a loom with a crochet hook. I think these are the coolest thing ever. I got a very fancy one. It is reversible and water proof.

This is Kate's bracelet she modeled it for me.  Also I should add she carved a watermelon. Seriously can I have a daughter just like her! Okay maybe I can just borrow her once in a while. Thank goodness she isn't moving to Texas. 

Oh and this little cutie pie was over.

The two boys on the left are our cousins that are heading off to Texas :( We are going to miss them so much.  I wish they didn't have to go.

My niece isn't sure what the party was all about, but she was having a blast.  No cake smashing this week though.

I love when our pool gets lots of use!

We decided to get a family shot. Although not all the family was in this shot and there were a lot more people at our house it is a nice sample. I think we'd make a good swim team.

Have I mentioned how much I am going to miss our cousins :(  I'm glad they spent the day here again today. I have a feeling we are going to be soaking up as much time as we can with them over the next week before they are gone.  Boo Hoo.  But at least we had a great party!

On a side note do you see Tiny on the bottom right? He was next to his big cousin.  He is Tiny all grown up! They were inseparable the entire day. They played in the pool, baseball, watched movies, and Tiny has asked if he can come back everyday.  I wish I got a better picture of the two of them together.  I am always amazed at how much Tiny fits in with all of my husbands cousins. They all look so much alike!  And even better they all get along so well.
I am very grateful to be able to get the family together and have so much fun.  I am sorry for the family members who weren't able to make it.  We were sad they couldn't be here.  But I'm sure we'll get together again soon and have a great time.


Nancy said...

Gorgeous pool and wonderful family Andee!

karen said...

so sad to say goodbye to friends who are family. The pool party looks like lots of fun!

TexWisGirl said...

i hope dallas will be a good place for your cousins and their kids. texas is a different 'country' and will take a bit of getting used to, but at least dallas is well mixed from folks from all over so the native texan pride won't be much of a problem. :)

Debbie said...

great pictures andee, it looks like everyone had a blast!!

i noticed tiny in that picture, sitting still and looking so mature....not his usual "funny" face!!

let me know some details about the movie on wednesday, we might go.

we will be at the balloon launch on sunday morning. my son, his girl and her child will be here friday and saturday and they don't want to go!!

Lori ann said...

love the family gathering, you are so lucky andee! i know you know too. so much love here.

Deanna said...

What a great family get-together...looks like all enjoyed themselves. How sad that some are moving to Dallas...altho not a bad place to move to (hee hee, I am from Dallas)

My Unfinished Life said...

pool parties are such fun no!!!

really enjoyed this family pool party of urs!!