Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Big Wet Alpaca Kiss

Meet Mr. Bates.
"Hi I'm Mr. Bates and today I am 3 days old."
"I look a lot like my mommy. Our colors are the same, see."

"I got all sorts of colors in my fleece."

"Look see we are a perfect match." 

"My mom is pretty cool. She has been to lots of places like Tennessee, then she took a road trip to Las Vegas.  Then she took a road trip to New Jersey. On her trip to NJ she got stuck in two snow storms.  But from Tennessee to Arrow Acres Farm in NJ I was in her belly the whole time.  We're kinda world travels."

"Sometimes mom gives me big wet kisses."


"But I still love her."

So that is Mr. Bates. He is adorable and he gave me lots of kisses today. He is so sweet.
He and Swag are having a fun time running around the field and playing together. 
It is a joy to see them having so much fun.
My heart hurts for all the people in Oklahoma. It is such a horrible thing to see happen.  I pray for the families that have lost loved ones and I pray they will rebuild and recover.


Adrienne said...

Adorableness over-load!!

TexWisGirl said...

i think he and his mom have the prettiest coloration of all of the alpacas you've shown (sorry, blue!) just adorable.

Brian King said...

Oh, how cute! What an adorable little guy!